Luv Lock App ๐๐has provided a way for every to post a Luv Lock ๐๐for all occasions for any reason anywhere in the world. Luv Lock App ๐๐assures your memory will always be here and not create safety or structure problems, aesthetically block views or , vandalism in the cities of the world. On the world map find your favorite place, bridge, country, home, church, school, work. Choose your occasion Prom, Graduation, Valentines, wedding, anniversary, birthday etc. Post your Luv Lock ๐๐at the exact location of your occasion with a digital photo, the date, message and, stickers to let family, friends, loved ones, anyone you want to know about your Luv Lock๐๐Share it with the world. Your memory will always be here, never removed or destroyed. Only you can delete your Luv Lock๐๐